About Duperon
The Company
Duperon is the leader in simple, adaptive screening technologies and provides solutions for coarse screening, fine screening, low flow screening, ultra screening, washing compacting and conveying.
We continually look to our customers to measure our own performance, and we are committed to continue to introduce products that are simple, adaptive solutions for preliminary treatment and management of water and water resources. We don’t want to simply meet expectations or deliver a product – we seek to truly excel in service and responsiveness that goes beyond a customers’ needs and provides solutions for their problems, today and in the future. Simply put, we want to WOW our customers.
We serve customers, groups, and associations that share the company’s commitment to the global goal of making a difference: for people, for water, for the planet. Duperon technologies are designed and manufactured in Saginaw, Michigan and installed in North America and internationally.
Duperon: Thirty Years of Innovation and Growth
The roots of Duperon Corporation reach back to the late 1970s when Terry L. Duperon – inventor and company founder – was looking for a way to protect the pumps he was building from the damage-causing debris commonly found in storm water. At the time, pumps in open channels were protected by bar screens, which had to be cleaned manually. This was a time-consuming and labor intensive task and Terry reasoned, “There must be a better way.” His search for “a better way” resulted in the development of the Self-Cleaning Trashrack (Note: The customers are still extremely happy with their equipment and Duperon experience). The success of this pump protection system focused Terry’s inventive energies on liquids/solids separation and the continuous improvement of screening technologies in general.
In 1985, Duperon Corporation – a privately held, family-owned business – was established and headquartered in the garage adjacent to Terry’s home near Saginaw, Michigan. As orders for Duperon® technology increased, the business was moved to ever-larger facilities in the Saginaw area – first, to two double-wide trailers; then, to an 18,000 square-foot industrial building; and finally, to the 70,000 square-foot facility that Duperon Corporation now calls home. As the company grew, it gathered a team of people that bring their talents and passion to make a difference; a team that fosters a culture of “you and me”. This culture is one in which Duperon partners with many stakeholders in the industry for mutual progress: vendors, representatives, and customers.
Finding a Better Way
Initially, Duperon focused on open channel pump protection and flood control systems; however, with the 1995 introduction of FlexRake® technology into wastewater applications – with the technology’s ability to adapt to changing debris conditions – demand for Duperon® wastewater technologies soared.
In 2008, Duperon Corporation discovered the Hydropression™ Effect in its R & D lab and began development of a fixed-element perforated plate screen technology that provides absolute protection for downsteam processes—an industry first. Today, this technology is revolutionizing the possibilities for perforated plate applications.
In 2013, the Duperon® engineering team developed the Millennial™ Platform for its core screening technologies. This platform provides for the long-term adaptability of Duperon technologies, such that Duperon® screening systems can be adapted to meet changes in the requirements of screening and other processes over the full life of the equipment.
During the last two decades, Tammy L. Bernier, C.E.O of Duperon Corporation, has led the company to an enviable growth history of 25 percent yearly growth by following the basic principles set forth in the earliest days of the company.
“We made a commitment from the beginning that we would keep the promise of ‘You’ll Like Working with Us’ alive in each and every transaction. It is a promise we honor daily as we partner with our customers and vendors to create value and produce meaningful results,” explains Ms. Bernier.
“Likewise, we are committed to the virtues simplicity brings, from the geometry of the design to the engineering of each component; and from the installation process to operation and maintenance requirements.”
Duperon’s First Law of Simplicity: “Two parts are one part too many.”
For more than three decades, these principles – along with innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit – have allowed the Duperon® Team to serve our customers’ needs with simple, reliable technologies that can be counted on to protect pumps, processes, resources, and people – even in the harshest of conditions.
We encourage you to bring us your Preliminary Liquids/Solids Separation Technology challenges because “You’ll Like Working With Us.”
Our Culture…
The Duperon Team operates within the business model of “YOU AND ME”, where all involved are served by the presence of the company and team. Our team has a synergy created and fed by shared values and vision. We are productive within a work week that encourages balance, and we have innovative programs in place to support, empower, and train our team to utilize individual passions, dreams and talents to make a difference in the world. As individuals, each employee is accountable that the team achieves performance, operates within integrity, and empowers potential.
Our culture values innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit, and Duperon’s adaptive product lines seek to be the leading edge in engineering, design, and manufacturing technology. Duperon’s research and development department has always played a major role in the evolution of product technology; even when Duperon consisted of just three employees, research and development was a strong force (if not yet technically a department). Then and now, the ideas generated by this team of people drive the company’s technology forward in alignment with the company’s core values of simplicity and innovation.
Most importantly, our culture loves to WOW our customers. We don’t want to simply meet expectations or deliver a product. We seek to truly excel in service and responsiveness that goes beyond our customers’ needs and provides solutions for their problems, today and in the future.
What makes our culture thrive is us… Our team is composed of those who see opportunity for themselves within the mission of Duperon.
Our Vision…
Team Duperon: Daring to Make a Difference
For people
For water
For the planet